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5G Technology? What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages?

5G TechnologyThe development of the latest technology, named 5G, is a breakthrough that can improve data transmission and exchange. In 5G technology, data will be transmitted via radio waves. Radio waves will be divided into different frequencies. Each frequency is set up for a different type of communication, such as aeronautical and maritime navigation signals, broadcast television, and mobile data. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of 5G technology.

Advantages of 5G Technology

Much Better Transmission Speed

5G Technology supports frequencies up to 100 GHz. This means that 5G technology is capable of producing transmission speeds of up to 10 GB per second.

5G Technology Almost No Delay

5G can not only offer higher data transfer speeds but also offers lower latency and higher connection density than previous generations. This technology allows a delay time of only about 4 to 5 milliseconds.

Wider Connection

Even though they both use OFDM, 5G offers advantages over LTE. One of them is the subcarrier spacing of 5G which can be multiples of 15 kHz. Because of that, 5G technology makes all the possibilities of devices connected to this technology such as various smart-based devices.

Energy saving

The super fast transmission speed makes the use of 5G technology to save energy. This is because from the start the 5G network aimed to reduce energy consumption by 10% compared to 4G.

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Disadvantages of 5G Technology

Minimal Penetration

One of the drawbacks of 5G technology is that the penetration power is still very minimal. Unlike previous technologies that can penetrate barriers such as walls and concrete quite well. 5G technology is considered less than optimal to penetrate barriers.

Security and Privacy Issues

Several studies concluded that 5G technology will have security problems. This is mainly because the features of 5G can transfer high-quality data. Can make it easier for attackers to come into the system.