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Windows 11 Features and Terms to Downloading

Windows 11After a long wait for the community, Microsoft finally announced that they officially released Windows 11 on October 5, 2021, ago. The popular operating system is predicted to be published as one of the best future generation technologies. Microsoft itself said that they have spent a lot of money to make a variety of new changes. In this article, we will discuss the features and conditions for downloading Windows 11. Make sure you listen carefully, okay?

Windows 11 New Features

Start menu new

The Windows 11 start menu will appear by default in the center of the screen. However, you can change its settings so that it appears on the left side of the screen.

Live tiles are now gone and replaced with simple, colorful icons. Not only that, adapting Tom’s Hardware, the Windows start menu uses a special cloud to help users.

Snap layout and snap the group

In Windows 11, hovering over the minimize or maximize button will give you a choice of different snap layouts. For example, if you have three apps open, you’ll be offered the option to split them evenly. Or have one app take up half the screen and the other two take up a quarter each.

The integrated “Teams” application

The next new feature of Windows 11 that Microsoft users have been waiting for is the integrated “Teams” app. According to The Verge, the “ Teams ” icon is on the taskbar and can be used to make calls to other people using “ Teams” on any device, including Android and iOS devices.

Windows 11 Download Terms

Windows 11 can be updated for free if you previously used Windows 10. However, this new OS from Microsoft cannot be downloaded arbitrarily. Several requirements must be met by your device so that the OS can run smoothly.

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The device must have at least a 64-bit processor with two CPU cores with a speed of 1 GHz. Not only that, but your computer also needs to have 4 GB of RAM. A minimum of 64 GB of storage media, and a graphics processor (GPU) that supports the DirectX 12 system.

That’s Glints’ brief description of Windows 11 along with its release time and new features. If you have previously used Windows 10 OS, wait for the release date so you can update for free.