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Addicted to Playing Smartphone? Here’s How To Overcome It

SmartphoneLately, we have often discussed the negative impacts caused by smartphones. However, just understanding the negative impacts is not effective enough to get you out of smartphone addiction or known as nomophobia (no mobile phone phobia). Therefore, we will help you by providing the following six powerful tips.

Silent smartphone

Consciously or unconsciously, notifications on smartphones cause curiosity that can make us constantly check our smartphones. Even though if you think about it, not all notifications are important. Some notifications such as viral news or gossip often make you fail to focus. For that, just activate notifications that are considered important such as SMS or WhatsApp.

Use smartwatch

If you don’t want to miss notifications on your smartphone, the only way you can do that is by using a smartwatch. Because with a smartwatch you can still see notifications or perform some actions such as reading and replying to messages without having to look at the smartphone screen all the time. You can try this method, especially now that many smartwatches are sold at affordable prices.

Usage timer

You have a much more spacious and beautiful life than staring at this 4-6 inch screen. Therefore, regulate the use of smartphones. Some of the latest smartphones already support the student mode feature where if the application usage time has passed the time limit specified on that day, the application cannot be opened again. Similar to playing PS on a rental.

If your smartphone does not support this feature, you can commit to dividing the time you use your smartphone in a day. Create habits like two hours of smartphone use in the morning, two hours during the day, and two hours at night.

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Non-smartphone activity

The following methods are quite effective for reducing your smartphone addiction levels. Create fun activities that will make you forget your smartphone like exercise. Invite your friends or partner to join the activity so you don’t get bored easily. At least you’ve been away from your smartphone for a few hours.

Remove porn content

Actually what is on your smartphone is what makes the addiction continue to appear. One example is saving photos or adult videos (porn) on your smartphone. Inevitably you will continue to open the smartphone to view the image or video. Besides being sinful, this will continue to make you addicted to smartphones. We recommend removing these negatives.

Do a hobby

Everyone must have a hobby. Anyway, the hobbies we mean here are not related to smartphones, such as playing games or stalking your ex’s IG. What we mean is hobbies outside the smartphone world such as playing music, swimming, traveling, and so on. We believe that the addiction to smartphones will decrease.

Yep, those are six powerful tips that can get you out of your smartphone addiction. Smartphones are important but don’t make your smartphone a top priority in your life, guys.